
3D scanning for decorative mirrors production

In today’s highly competitive world large companies acquire or take over smaller ones, which is true for decorative furniture market as well.
The only way to survive and get a chance to grow for small companies is to boost their production at lower expenses. Automatization usually helps cut costs and raise competitiveness of the product.

It is 3D scanning that is widely used for the optimization in the production of decorative furniture, especially at a sketch stage. 

This is what Dmitry Zhamkov’s Art Studio located in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, did. Here we will tell you how 3D scanning was used in the studio for decorative mirrors production.

Dmitry Zhamkov used to manufacture unique samples for his clients and it was necessary to start the work from scratch to make several copies of the same product. It usually takes more than 7 days to make a mirror frame manually, whereas it takes 6-8 hours to produce it on a CNC machine.

To cut basic expenses and make his products more affordable, Dmitry decided to automate his manual labor. The artist provided his own product - a carved decorative mirror as a trial object to explore all the advantages of 3D scanning. What was the 3D scanning process like and what was the result?

First things first.

The engineer in RangeVision got a task to obtain high-accurate 3D surfaces of the mirror and prepare the file for the production on a CNC machine.

The decorative mirror consisted of three elements - the body and two fish-shaped supporting parts. All the elements were made of wood manually by the artist.

As both fish looked the same, our engineer made a decision to scan only one of them. The 3D model of the second one was supposed to be obtained by “mirroring” the first one.
Thus, our engineer digitized the frame and one of the fish.

Post-processing of the obtained data including the development of the “mirrored” 3D model took two working days. The control program for a CNC machine was written at the same time.

As a result, the cost of the mirror reduced by 3 times, which made them much more affordable for customers.

All this resulted in Dmitry Zhamkov’s decision to make only one sample manually - a prototype, and then scan it. The quality of 3D model provided by RangeVision PRO 2M 3D scanner makes it possible to programme a CNC machine, automatize production and get the required number of wares.